Naimeg Family – Controlled Fermentation
When man control nature – Farm Londrina, Naimeg Family – Paraiso MG, Controlled Fermentation
History and Mindset
“Our work is similar to that of art in the great tailors. We understand that as in art, the world of coffee searches for unique, authentic products of origin, with guaranteed quality, and of course, valuing our history and the union of our family” Naimeg family.
The history of the Naimeg family started in 1957 with the matrimony of Gerson Naimeg and Hercília Mafra. From the Marriage were born 6 children: José Aparecido, Carlos, Nilza, Gerson, Mauro and Jorge Fernando. In the early 60’s after a lot of hard work, and going through financial difficulties Gerson conquered dream, and purchased a small land in the state of Paraná. Gerson has since childhood being passionate about coffee, and in 1965, started to dedicated his time work with the culture. In the 80`s, after incurring losses due to the strong frosts, Gerson moved to Cerrado Mineiro and continued the activity acquiring his first property in Minas Gerais lands. Once the children showed the same passion for coffee, Gerson inserted them on the business and created the ‘’Group Naimeg’’.
For the Naimeg’s bases for production, is planning, the usage and interpretation of data from previous harvests, adding constant technical and laboratory analysis soil and leaf, and the plantations as a whole. From this data all the cultural treatments, phytosanitary treatments and all processes necessary to obtain healthy plantations and quality fruits are defined.
Harvest a schedule is also developed in April, analyzing data from previous harvests, degree of maturation of the fruits in each plantation, as well as by varieties. Harvesting usually starts in the plots with early ripening varieties and follows the plots according to the maturation level, always prioritizing the plots that have the maximum of mature fruits. Usually this process happens between the months of May and September being carried out mechanically through harvesters. Selective mechanized harvests are carried out in plots with a quality history.
At the Post-Harvest all care is redoubled in the fruit processing stage. The fruits harvested are transported on the same day to the processing structure, where the process to be used will be defined. Processes can be: Natural, Pulped Natural and Controlled Fermentation. The drying process is defined immediately after processing and the available structures are: concrete patio, African bed, rotary dryer and chest dryer.
The well-being of the employees has always been a concern of the Naimeg Family. They understand that the growth of the business is only complete if it has the participation of all those involved, so spare no effort in providing the necessary structure so that everyone can grow professionally through courses and training.
Such careful and detailed work, have rendered the Naimeg’s many awards, as the last one in October 2019, by winning the competition ‘’Best Coffee from Cerrado Mineiro” on the category naturals with a 90,5 score lot.
Unroasted has proudly participated on the Naimeg’s project for a new type of Post-Harvest processing, ‘’Controlled Fermentation”. Through constant sharing of information of the roasters opinions on the coffees prepared through this process, the Naimeg Family, get the necessary data and understanding which of those coffees, are the most interesting for the roasters and coffee drinkers. Moreover they can plan their production toward their demands, and increase the quantity.
Through this partnership we have in our offer, 5 microlotes lotes of ‘’Controlled Fermentation” coffees, all of them ranging from 87 to 90 SCA points. Unique coffees, targeted for roasters which dreams for the highest quality Brazil can offer.

Londrina Farm