Category: Single Estate
Cupping Notes
SCA Points

Grower Profile
The Castro Alves family history began in the 19th century in the Araxá region, in Minas Gerais. In its seventh generation, it mixes faith and mystery. Founded in 1950, Fazenda Barinas is one of the pioneers in the coffee production of the region, today under the command of Tiago C. Alves. The name Barinas means “where the wind blows the strongest,” and was given in honor of the Araxas Indians, who lived in that region. Nowadays the family is considered a model in the coffee specialty production, a reference in sustainability, and highly known for their diversification and professionalism that culminated in the excellence of the coffees they produce.
Situated in a region blessed with a diverse ecosystem, Fazenda Barinas benefits from a unique microclimate. The farm’s altitude, ranging from 900 to 1,400 meters, coupled with rich volcanic soil, creates an ideal environment for coffee cultivation. Production at Barinas is guided by meticulous cultural treatments, informed by soil and foliar analyses. Slow-release fertilizers replace herbicides, promoting green fertilization and organic matter reuse. Integrated Pest Management ensures environmental harmony, while a sophisticated drip irrigation system optimizes water usage and plant development. It is important to note that the lots are separated taking into account the plot, variety, process and cup quality history. A complete traceability system is drawn.
During the harvest season, Fazenda Barinas springs to life with meticulous attention to detail. Each plot undergoes thorough monitoring to ensure uniform maturation, with mechanized and selective harvesting techniques employed to maximize fruit yield. With the support of a dedicated team of 20 employees, Tiago Castro Alves oversees the whole process. Post-harvest, harvested fruits are meticulously processed using a range of methods, including Natural, Pulped Natural, Honey, and Fermented processes. Each lot undergoes careful drying on concrete patios, African beds, or within greenhouses until reaching optimal moisture levels. Following drying, lots are subjected to rigorous cupping evaluations by a Q-grader in the farm laboratory, ensuring sensory profile separation before milling.
Sustainability lies at the heart of Fazenda Barinas’ ethos, encompassing environmental, social, and economic considerations. Environmental initiatives include the preservation of local fauna and flora, the protection of natural springs, and the establishment of ecological corridors. Additionally, the farm is committed to reforestation efforts, planting native trees to enhance biodiversity. Social responsibility is demonstrated through community engagement, including collaboration with a rehabilitation center for ex-chemical dependents. Economically, Fazenda Barinas invests in state-of-the-art equipment, ongoing training programs, and innovative processes to continually elevate coffee quality. Looking to the future, Tiago Castro Alves remains committed to investing in people through employee training and advancing fermentation, drying, storage, and trading processes, ensuring that Fazenda Barinas remains at the forefront of coffee excellence.
Cup profile
A rich and nuanced cup profile. It features floral aromas intertwined with decadent chocolate and caramel notes that are supported by the full-bodied richness. Subtle hints of citric fruits provide a refreshing contrast, culminating in a satisfyingly sweet aftertaste.
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